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A great experience in every way!

Axelle Moriau

Infographic design
Centre de formation professionnelle Bel-Avenir
My name is Axelle Moriau and I’m enrolled in infographics studies at Bel-Avenir Vocational Education Centre.

What was my motivation to undertake studies in a vocational training program? The desire to gain confidence and autonomy through an individualized training, to gain work experience by doing internships at companies, and also the desire to enter quickly the labor market.

I really like the infographics program because it’s exactly what I was looking for in France, where I was denied at all places after my Bachelor’s fail (by 0,5 point). I feel free in this training while also being well supervised. My teachers are awesome. I can ask questions about the courses as well as about life in Trois-Rivières. If something is wrong, they are there for me, so is the psychologist, who is at our disposal for free.

Life in Quebec wasn’t easy at first since I arrived at the end of the winter. It was not wonderment, but rather a deception because it was not what I imagined. I thought it was monotonous and people were depressed… It is only after that I was explained that people were actually tired of the current winter (which lasted longer than previous years). Then the snow melted and I finally discovered the city. I want to thank my owner who was so nice to me. She became in some ways my adoptive mommy in Quebec, and I became the big sister for her two kids. Thanks to this family, I discovered the life in Quebec that I like and if I could stay here I would.

This stay gives me a great experience in every way! I became autonomous, more mature, I take more confidence and I am more confident… I even discovered a country and more specifically the region of Quebec that I wanted to visit at least once in my life.

When I return, I might have a work opportunity at Montpellier’s Ubisoft, but nothing is done yet. If not, why not stay here? To be continued… after all, I have only been here for 4 months!
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