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Scholarships and Financial Assistance



Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ) Scholarship Program

Within the framework of its partnership with Éducation internationale, the Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse awards 300-euro scholarships to young people wishing to pursue vocational training in Quebec. The objective of these scholarships is to develop the mobility of French people through vocational training in Quebec.

To be eligible for this scholarship, the student must meet the following conditions:

  • Be between 18 and 35 years old and of French nationality.
  • Register for a professional training program with Québec métiers d’avenir and indicate while registering that you wish to obtain the OFQ J scholarship.
  • Obtain a letter of acceptance to a Quebec vocational training center. This document will be sent to you by Québec métiers d’avenir once you have been admitted online and your prerequisites have been validated.
  • Upon receipt of these items, OFQJ will select the scholarship awardees and inform them within one month.
  • Financial assistance by Pôle emploi Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

    Anyone who is registered with a Pôle emploi Auvergne Rhône-Alpes agency and who meets its established eligibility criteria will be eligible for financial assistance to attend vocational training in Quebec. For more information and eligibility requirements, visit the Financial assistance by Pôle emploi Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes page on our website.

    Financial Assistance by Guadeloupe

    The Region of Guadeloupe has set up a mobility policy which aims to qualify, professionalize, and integrate Guadeloupeans into the labor market through mobility. In this regard, it deploys the regional vocational training program, which offers job seekers, aged 18 and above, the opportunity to acquire skills and experience, on a national or international scale, by attending training courses that are not offered or scarcely available in Guadeloupe.

    Zero interest student loan – Guadeloupe Region

    The purpose of the zero interest student loan is to allow students in Guadeloupe to obtain loan from a bank for a maximum amount of 15,000 euros, with the interest being paid by the Guadeloupe Region.

    Other countries

    Merit Scholarship and Tuition Waiver awards

    The Merit Scholarship and Tuition Waiver awards are two programs being funded by the Quebec Ministry of Education (MEQ) and managed by Éducation internationale and its Québec métiers d’avenir section. These programs aim at giving an opportunity to international students who have distinguished themselves in an exceptional way to come and pursue vocational training in Quebec. The annual budget for these programs is $700,000.

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